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Showing posts from October, 2019

Advanced Character Animation

Advanced Character -  Jordan Danielle Davies The Walk of a Dog An introduction to this module is to complete draw overs that are connected to the subject that I will use in my final piece. My Advanced Character animation is going to be focusing on a dog and how it walks and behaves. The little actions that contribute to showing the emotion that the dog can only communicate through their actions. The first draw over is a simple walk across the screen to see how the walk works in the most simple stage. How the legs work with each other in order to create the movement and rhythm that I will have to put into the final 3D animation. Moving on from drawing from real life I looked into dogs from the animated world. The first thing that came to mind was 101 Dalmations (1961). In particular, the scene in which Pongo observes other dogs that pass outside the window and how they act as their owner acts. This clip helps to show how different dogs wal...