The Making of Friend From my World The Attic Room in Creation Within Miles’ bedroom, the wall, the main feature of the room for him to put up his drawings cinematically as a visual portal to the world of his imaginary friend. To share his thoughts and stories and dreams in the real world . The rest of the room doesn’t have many bright features as he would spend most of his time invested in creating more to his world and spending his time with his friend, therefore not needing the added elements commonly seen in a child’s bedroom. Creating the room in 3D can help to visualise how the cameras would fit within the scene, as well as how the storytelling would carry out. Does the room represent Miles? If not, then how can it be improved to better suit the character and the story itself. The arrangement of the furniture in the room such as the bed takes up a good majority of the room, therefore not leaving much room for Miles to escape from the...